Values Game – Snake & Ladders
An exciting, fun-filled version of the classic snake and ladders game adapted to teach children the importance of Human Values.
Sai Region 3, USA, SSIO Zone 1
Love All, Serve All
An exciting, fun-filled version of the classic snake and ladders game adapted to teach children the importance of Human Values.
Value: Truth Sub-value: Self-Confidence Spiritual Principle: To know who you really are and believe in yourself. Quote: “The first thing you must do is develop self-confidence. People who have no confidence in their own selves begin to wander about, waver, and take various paths.” – SSS 9:39, 203; Brindavan, 3-28-75 Metta Prayer from Buddhism: “May I be in peace. … Continue reading Truth – Self Confidence
Value: Truth Sub-value: Goodness Spiritual Principle: To be good and do good. Quote: “Elevate yourselves by doing good, speaking good, seeking good and having the good of others in mind.” – SSS 10:25; 159; Brindavan, 7-30-77 St. Francis Prayer: Lord make me an instrument of thy peace Where there is hatred, let me sow love Where there is … Continue reading Truth – Goodness
VALUE: RIGHT ACTION SUB VALUE: DUTY 3 OMS OBJECTIVE: Any work done sincerely as service to God is bound to reflect His love and glory. Prayer: God be in my head, and in my understanding; God be in mine eyes, and in my looking; God be in my mouth, and in my speaking; God be in my heart, and in my thinking; God be at … Continue reading Right Conduct – Duty
Value: Peace Sub-value: Tolerance Spiritual Principle: to show brotherliness despite differences by understanding that everyone is an aspect of the same God who is also in you. Quote: “Man is inherently divine; he ought therefore demonstrate in thought, word and deed the divine attributes of Love, Tolerance, Compassion and Humanity. God is Truth; man too must live in Truth. God is Love; man too … Continue reading Developing Tolerance
GUIDES: (Any age group) Game: Divide the children in two groups. Make the groups sit in straight lines facing each other. Draw a medium sized circle between the two groups. You will be placing a small piece of paper in this circle only when the game begins. Eg. Group XX Group AA XX AA XX AA XX O AA XX … Continue reading Active Games – Effective Communication
Aim For Values Game: Make nine pins from cardboard and write (love, hate, sharing, caring, meanness, jealousy) or draw and illustrate good or bad habits on them for younger children (E.g.: spitting on roads or littering, cleaning litter, helping, hitting) Each child gets a turn to hit the 9 pins arranged in a particular bowling order with a soft ball. They have to aim for … Continue reading Active Game – Aim For Values
Run for Values Game: Divide the class in pairs. One child from every pair will form the inner circle. The others form the outer circle. Inner circle children will sit and outer circle children will stand behind their partner, ready to run around the sitting inner circle. Teacher has to random keep circulating slips of paper to the inner circle children. Each paper will have … Continue reading Active Games – Run For Values
MAGICAL CHANT Game: It is similar to a tag game. All the children can run. Two from the class are selected; one to tag others called “BAD DEEDS” and the other to free the ones tagged called “GOOD DEEDS.” Bad Deeds will hold a small black flag and Good Deeds will hold a golden flag. Everyone runs and Bad Deed tries to tag them. When … Continue reading Active Games – Magical Chant
PUT-APART-I (That’s how Swami explained Puttaparthi) Game: Give an age appropriate topic to each child and let them speak on it for 2 minutes. The RULE is they cannot use the pronoun, “I”. If they do they have to stop and sit down. The other children who are listening have to be alert to point out if the pronoun “I” is used. Topic egs: (Try … Continue reading Active Games – PUT-APART-I
CROSS THE RIVER OF LIFE Game: Draw a line dividing the room into two. One side of the line is the river and the other side is the land. One person becomes the coast guard and stands near the line in the river. All the kids, except the coast guard, will start by being in the river of life and have a paper pinned … Continue reading Active Games – Cross The River of Life
SSE Assignment: Parents are requested to read along with their children the attached Discourse of Swami. In this Discourse, Swami empasizes the need to show Respect to The Environment. The Discourse is from the Book, “Summer Showers in Brindavan 2000”, Discourse # 2 delivered on 15th May 2000. You can download the Discourse here: ss2000-02.pdf.