Updates and important Information


Sairam Dear Center/Group Presidents:
Trust you are all doing well by Swami’s grace. Please share following information and attached files with your members.
1. Here is a link to the 10th World Conference website: http://wc2015.sathyasai.org/ Please see the attached file for details on World Conference Exhibition. 
2. Please see the attached file for those interested in volunteering and attending the World Conference as non-delegates. 
3. Sai Universe website (saiuniverse.sathyasai.org) was updated on 19th August 2015. Please check the site for new articles.
4. The August 2015 issue of the Sai Love in Action Newsletter contains heartfelt reflections by Sai devotees about their service experiences, and this issue contains four truly inspiring articles: http://us9.campaign-archive2.com/?u=6e95381834a601e514aa676cc&id=181126d33c&e=  

    All inquiries, including any submissions of articles, can be directed to: sailoveinaction@yahoo.com


Volunteers with editing skills are needed to join the SLIA Team, and if you’re interested, please e-mail the SLIA Team at sailoveinaction@yahoo.com with your contact information, and they will call you!

5.  Please see the attached file on Sathya Sai International Medical Camps. There is a blessed opportunity to provide medical services in the sacred abode of our dear Swami during the upcoming 90th Birthday celebrations, from 18th – 27th November 2015. Please consult with Dr. Geetha Kamath (gjkamath@gmail.com), our Zonal Medical Director who would then work with the medical team organizing the camps at Prasanthi Nilayam. For further information, please contact Dr. Bangaruraju, Medical Camp Director at:  Mobile Phone: +1 (914) 361 7943 ; E-mail: kbraju2@yahoo.com.

pdf icon WC-Exhibition-Letter-and-Instructions2.pdf
pdf icon WC-Volunteers-non-delegates-Invitation-to-Register1.pdf
pdf icon WC2015_Exhibition-ContentCollection_LettertoZones_FINAL.pdf
pdf icon Sathya-Sai-International-Medical-Camps.pdf