Study Circle Search

Excerpts of the articles are presented below. Please click on the title to read the full article.
21.  Do Not Bargain With God

Study Circle: 09/30/18 Do not bargain with God Now, people pray to God to relieve them from pain, grief and loss, to confer on them health, strength and wealth but if you develop an intimate attachment to Him and make Him yours, then He will manage to give you all that you need. Do not demean the relationship into bargaining: give me this, then I … Continue reading Do Not Bargain With God »

22.  Studies

Study Circle 09/10/18 Sathya Sai Speaks, Vol 6, Chapter 25:  Studies Earning a fat salary is not the chief thing at all; no. The aim should be the cultivation of virtue. Studies are the roots of the tree of life. The attachments which the individual develops towards kith and kin, the objects of the world, the ideals and the goals, the fancies and fashions – … Continue reading Studies »

23.  Of Him, to Him, by Him

Study Circle: 09/03/18 Sathya Sai Speaks, Vol 6, Chp 22: Of Him, to Him, by Him This day is dedicated to the worship of the Naraakaara (the Divine in human form) which the Niraakaara (the formless) assumed, in order to save man from the marshy terrain into which he had been drawn by the delusion which blinded his vision. Yama (God of death) can be … Continue reading Of Him, to Him, by Him »

24.  Proper Care Of The Boat

Study Circle: 08/26/18 Sathya Sai Speaks: Chapter 21, Vol 6 Proper care of the boat Like the three blades of a fan which must be activated by the current to rotate like one, in order to make life pleasant; the three–the Cabinet, the Officers and the People–must be activated by the spirit of service and work joyfully in unison, in order to make the people … Continue reading Proper Care Of The Boat »

25.  Conflict Resolution


Conflict is a normal, and even healthy, part of relationships. After all, two people can’t be expected to agree on everything at all times. Since relationship conflicts are inevitable, learning to deal with them in a healthy way is crucial. When handled in a respectful and positive way, conflict provides an opportunity for growth, ultimately strengthening the bond between two people. By learning the skills you need for successful conflict resolution, you can keep your personal and professional relationships strong and growing.

26.  The Tree Of Life

Study Circle: 08/19/18 Sathya Sai Speaks – Vol 6, Chapter 20: The Tree Of Life. I am glad that this Primary Health Centre has brought us all together today. This is a source of great joy to the villagers and so I am also happy. The rulers of our States, of whom the minister and the legislators now on this platform are the representatives, declare … Continue reading The Tree Of Life »

27.  This bank and That Bank

  Study Circle: 08/12/18 Sathya Sai speaks – Vol6 Chapter 19: This Bank and That Bank I am glad that the State Bank of India is opening a branch here in the Prashaanthi Nilayam area. Artha (wealth) is one of the Purushaarthas – legitimate objects of human endeavour. The four purushaarthas are dharma, artha, kaama and moksha. They have been listed so, in that order, on purpose. Dharma (righteousness) … Continue reading This bank and That Bank »

28.  The bottomless pit

Study Circle, 07-08-18: The Bottomless PitSathya Sai Speaks – Vol 6, Chp 18. Sublimation of the senses is essential :A dog lying comfortably in the middle of a busy thoroughfare—you will have seen some dogs enjoying a siesta in that spot full of danger, creating an island for itself in the midst of the traffic flow—was once asked why it had chosen that spot. It … Continue reading The bottomless pit »

29.  Sweetness In The Fruit

Sathya Sai Speaks Vol 6, Chapter 17  – Sweetness in the fruit Cleverness is out of place in spiritual affairs Kaalidaasa knew of only one Person who was free from jealousy and pride and that was Kaali, theMother. So he went to the Kaali temple and prayed before the Mother to assurehim of high status among poem. After a long time spent in intense prayer,Kaalidaasa heard … Continue reading Sweetness In The Fruit »

30.  The Inner Wheel

Study Circle: 06/10/18 – Vol 6. Chapter 7: The Inner Wheel Virtue is strength; vice is weakness:  Life is a campaign against foes, it is a battle with obstacles, temptations, hardships, hesitations. These foes are within man and so, the battle has to be incessant and perpetual. Like the virus that thrives on the bloodstream, the vices of lust, greed, hate, malice, pride and envy … Continue reading The Inner Wheel »