Study Circle Search

Excerpts of the articles are presented below. Please click on the title to read the full article.
52.  The Journey Towards The Source

Thus, every one must fit in with the plan; strive to know its main principles and be equipped for the task He allots you. Be ever vigilant in the tasks that the role involves, that is your swadharma (one's own nature and duty). Give your heart fully to the task. "Raama" means, he who pleases, attracts, and attaches himself through pleasing attributes. Krishna means the same thing; he who attracts.

54.  Be Like Lamps

……Be strong to resist temptations

1. What does being humble mean to you?
2. Swami says that we must be humble but yet strong to resist temptation. Reflect a little. How do you think temptations that can prevent us from being humble? Please share your thoughts.
3. Why do you think humility is an important characteristic in the life of an aspirant?

55.  Gayathri Mantra/Spiritual Discipline

The initiation was done by the Upadesham (instruction) of the Gaayathri manthram. The manthram (sacred formula) is a universal prayer that can be used by men of all climes and creeds, for, it calls upon the Glorious Power that pervades the Sun and the three worlds to arouse, awaken and strengthen the Intelligence, so that it may lead to intense Saadhana and Saadhana may lead to success.

57.  Swami’s Birthday Message – Invaluable Teachings

When is Swami’s Birthday? Let us listen to Swami explain the true significance of Birthday.

“I do not think of one particular date in the calendar as My birthday, for I consider the day when Divinity blossoms in your heart as My birthday in you. Therefore, each of you should individually celebrate such a day as My birthday.” – Sathya Sai Baba

58.  2011 Regional Study Circle Workshop

Please click on the links below to review the videos and presentation from the workshop 1. Conducting a Study Circle – Training Video 2. Sample Study Circle Session – Video 3. Sample Study Circle Session – Use of Multimedia – Video 4. Sample Study Circle – Breakout Session Summary – Video

59.  Role of the Sathya Sai Organization in Swami’s Own Words

  “What is the special need for an organisation bearing My Name?” This question was asked by Bhagawan, and was also answered by Him in a discourse delivered on November 21st 1968. Presented below are Swami’s golden words on the role and relevance of the Sathya Sai Organization in today’s society. Swami also lays out the guiding principles to be followed by every member of … Continue reading Role of the Sathya Sai Organization in Swami’s Own Words »

60.  Protect the Planet | Study Circles | Use of Plastic

Dear Embodiments of Love,    Loving Sairam!   “In the exploitation of natural resources, people are observing no limits in the name of their right to act as they please. I do not understand wherefrom this ‘right’ is derived. In reality there is no ‘right’. In fact, what they have is ‘responsibility’.” – Baba, Sanathana Sarathi, Nov 1997   You may be aware of a practical … Continue reading Protect the Planet | Study Circles | Use of Plastic »

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