Weekly Devotional program

We invite you to join us on Every Sunday for an inspirational devotional program includes a special guest speakers followed by devotional singing. Here is the link to join the meeting. Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83515573309?pwd=VWgrRVFEZENjQndkSnQ0bXJVd2srUT09 Meeting ID: 835 1557 3309 Passcode: sairam

National SAI Tutoring Summit

The National SAI Tutoring Team extends a warm, loving invitation to all the Regions across the USA, to participate in a virtual SAI Tutoring Summit workshop. The workshop is on September 18, from 8 am - 10 am PT (11 am - 1 pm ET), and is open to all Center members, SSE students (9th grade and above), YAs, and individuals interested in starting or … Continue reading National SAI Tutoring Summit »

National Women’s Mini Retreat

Website - www.sssiousaretreat.org Registration - https://www.sssiousaretreat.org/registration Workshops -https://www.sssiousaretreat.org/workshops Speakers - https://www.sssiousaretreat.org/speakers

SSE Teachers Training

Dates April 2,3,9,10 Registration information will be in Education Link.