Excerpts of the articles are presented below. Please click on the title to read the full article.
Dear Center Presidents and Group Leaders, The Second Annual Sai-lent Retreat in our region is being help on Labor Day Weekend and the invitation is now being extended to the entire region. We are extremely fortunate to have Dr. Phil Gosselin as the guest speaker for this event. He has been blessed to have regularly visited Sai Baba since the late 1960’s with extended stays … Continue reading Second Annual Sai-lent Retreat Aug 30-Sept 1 2019 »
Study Circle on Developing True Devotion
Sairam dear Sisters and Brothers, With Bhagwan’s blessings and inspiration, we have received an overwhelming response for the first national Sai Women’s Conference. We are not able to accept walk-in registration as we have maxed out the venue capacity. We are pleased to announce that portions of the conference will be streamed live via youtube. Please share this invitation with all devotees in your region. … Continue reading SWC 2019 | Conference Program | Livestream schedule »
Dear Brothers and Sisters, OM Sri Sai Ram. On the day of Guru Poornima, let us express our gratitude and love to our Guru and God, Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, who has shown us the goal and purpose of life. I am happy to share a video message, with subtitles, from Dr. Narendranath Reddy, Chairman, Prasanthi Council, where he shares Swami’s teachings on the … Continue reading Video Message about Guru Poornima »
Sai Ram, Dear Brothers and Sisters: Om Sri Sai Ram. We will hold the 11th World Conference in Prasanthi Nilayam in November 2020, in conjunction with the 95th Birthday celebrations of our Lord, Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba. The theme of the Conference is “Unity is Divinity; Purity is Enlightenment”. In preparation for this landmark event, the SSIO will organise Pre-World Conferences in all … Continue reading Two Study Guides for 11th World Conference: (1) Unity & (2) Purity »
Dear Sisters and Brothers, Loving Sai Rams! As we are getting ready for the final episode of the upcoming SaiCast and the conference end of this month, our hearts are filled with gratitude to our dear Lord for His guidance, inspiration and your support! We have included details about the SaiCast episode 4 below and invite ALL devotees to join us. Attached is the pre-reading … Continue reading SWC 2019 | Final Episode of SaiCast | Tune in Tuesday June 18th »
Audio, videos, and photos from the Region 3 Annual Retreat 2019 are now available for download.
Loving Sai Ram! With Bhagawan’s blessings, the planning for the first National Sai Women’s conference is coming together well. And we are delighted to share two important announcements. Program highlights 1. An exciting line-up of presenters from around the country 2. Workshop tracks- enrichment and master class 3. Cultural program 4. And you! 5. Register today (accommodation/transport info included) Pre–Conference initiative: SaiCast- Episode 2 … Continue reading National Sai Women’s Conference Update »
Loving Sairam! With prayers to our dear Lord and on behalf of the Planning team, we are happy to announce the launch of registration for the first national Sai Women’s Conference planned for June 29-30, 2019. The registration website provides information about the venue, nearest airports, accommodations, etc. Link to Registration Website Requesting regional presidents to share this email with all Centers/Groups in … Continue reading Registration Open for Sai Women’s Conference »
We are happy to share the first video in the “Find your Confidence, Empowering Women” series, a project undertaken by the Sathya Sai International Leadership Programme (SSILP) for Young Adults (YAs). For an overview of the SSILP program, please click here. This video/audio serves as an offering to Swami and with his blessing this would reach the ears of everyone who needs the encouragement, inspiration … Continue reading Find Your Confidence, Empowering Women – Video »
This year the Annual Region 3 Retreat for Young Adults was held in Atlanta, GA, on February 16th and 17th, 2019. The theme of the retreat was “If not me, then who? If not now, then when?”. The retreat agenda included several guests speakers, service projects, study circles, experience sharing, and fun activities. We would like to share the ARRYA 2019 Report with all of you. … Continue reading ARRYA Report 2019 »
To participate in this initiative, please visit sathyasai.org/phoneyourfriend.
Unity in Diversity, Purity in Unity and Divinity in Purity (Cultural inclusion and expansion initiative of SSIO, USA) Title: What does unity in diversity mean and how does one practice it? Spiritual Principle: To deepen our understanding of the unity in diversity, so that visitors from all faiths and cultures can know that we truly are a universal and all-inclusive multi-faith organization. Quotes: “God is … Continue reading Study circle on Unity in Diversity – Cultural inclusion »
Om Sri Sai Ram. With Bhagawan’s blessings, the Sathya Sai Center of Northeast Atlanta is now under the auspices of the Sathya Sai International Organization. The Center’s formal induction into SSIO coincided with the auspicious Mahashivarathri festival. On Sunday, March 3rd 2019, the special program at the Center included a talk on the spiritual significance of Mahashivarathri, followed by a devotional music offering and vibrant … Continue reading Inauguration of Sathya Sai Center of Northeast Atlanta »
With blessings of our Master, we are pleased to announce First National Sai Women’s Conference to be held on June 29-30, 2019 in NJ, USA. Further information and details are forthcoming.
Dear Brothers and Sisters, OM Sri Sai Ram. I am happy to share a video message, with subtitles, from Dr. Narendranath Reddy, Chairman, Prasanthi Council, about the spiritual significance of Mahasivarathri, as taught by Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba. In this video, Dr Reddy explains the inner meaning of Mahasivarathri and how we can experience divine bliss by participating in this auspicious festival. Spiritual seekers … Continue reading Video Message about Mahasivarathri »
Dear Brothers and Sisters, Om Sri Sai Ram. The Sathya Sai International Organisation (SSIO) is happy to announce that Buddha Poornima will be celebrated in Prasanthi Nilayam on 18th and 19th May 2019. The programme will be organised under the leadership of the SSIO of Zone 4A, with active participation of SSIO members from Zones 4A, 4B, 5 and other countries around the world. The … Continue reading Announcement and Invitation to Buddha Poornima Festival in Prasanthi Nilayam, 18-19 May 2019 »
At this time, we are pleased to share a video compilation of photos from articles published in 2018 – https://sathyasai.us/media/usa-media-video-2018 We request your help in sharing this video. Please forward this email to your regional and center officers Please request Center Presidents to forward the email to all center members Additionally, please request Center Presidents to show the video during their center’s devotional program Please let us know if … Continue reading Video compilation of 2018 Media Reports »
Dear Brothers and Sisters, Om Sri Sai Ram. With Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba’s infinite grace, we hereby release the Registration Page for the SAI Summer Series, which will take place from 17th to 21st July 2019 in Prasanthi Nilayam. The initial registration phase will remain open until 1st April 2019. We highly encourage all interested participants to register early The programme, a new initiative … Continue reading SAI Summer Series: Registration Open »
Presentations and Material used at the recently held Region 3 Officers Orientation Workshop are now available for reference and download.