Help Naomi Complete These Prayers

Little Naomi learnt a few prayers in her SSE classes. She is trying to recollect them at the end of the day, but gets mixed up with the ending words.

Will you help her match the right ending to each prayer?

Puzzle #1

Fill In the Empty Boxes
Solution Choices
Pita Thameva (Thou Art The Father)
Mohammed Dur Rasool Allah (And Mohammed is His Prophet)
Matha Pitha Guru Daivam (Mother, Father and Guru are God)
Bless Us All
Hallowed Be Thy Name
Dear Lord We Pray
... Drop The Right Choice From Above
La Illaha Ill Allah (Allah is the One God)
Thwameva Matha Cha (Thou Art The Mother)
At Thy Feet,
Our Father, Who Art In Heaven,

min-height: 5rem; min-width: 10rem;

Thwameva Matha Cha (Thou Art The Mother)
At Thy Feet,
La Illaha Ill Allah (Allah is the One God)
Our Father, Who Art In Heaven,

Pita Thameva (Thou Art The Father)

Dear Lord We Pray

Mohammed Dur Rasool Allah (And Mohammed is His Prophet)

Hallowed Be Thy Name

Matha Pitha Guru Daivam (Mother, Father and Guru are God)

Bless Us All